
Notícia Tribal: The Roots of Tribal Fusion Belly Dance Play List

Esta semana Rachel Brice compartilhou em sua Página do Facebook um play list que está montando com vários ícones que fizeram parte da construção da Dança Tribal. O bacana desse play list do Youtube é que o mesmo está sendo organizado cronologicamente e com breves comentários da própria Rachel. Quem melhor para mostrar o caminho? ;) Quem ainda tinha dúvidas das bases do tribal pode ter certeza agora com a colocação da grande musa e divulgadora do Tribal Fusion.

"The roots of "Tribal Fusion" belly dance begin with Jamila Salimpour's codification of a belly dance form. She taught that form to Masha Archer (San Francisco Classic Dance Troupe), John Compton (Hahbi' Ru), Katarina Burda (Aywah!), her daugher Suhaila, and thousands of others who have gone on to form their own interpretations of the dance. Masha Archer taught Carolena Nericcio, the founder of American Tribal Style. These groups and individuals are the primary influences for what became known as Tribal Fusion, as it fuses what is commonly known as Tribal Style with many other dance forms, including Kathak Classical Indian Dance. Here's a brief and chronological look at the dances of our foremothers and fathers. Respect, RB"

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